KMB 28 Hood and Face Seal
by Kirby Morgan
SKU DSI 525-730
Original price
$260.78 USD
Original price
$299.93 USD
Original price
$260.78 USD
$260.78 USD
$299.93 USD
Current price
$260.78 USD
Part # | Description | Qty. |
DSI 510-710 | DSI 510-708 | DSI 510-711 | DSI 510-709 | KMB Hood Assembly, Small, Small | Small, Medium | Large, Medium | Large/Large | 1 |
DSI 520-153 | Spacer, KMB 28, Face Seal | 1 |
DSI 530-097 | Screw | 2 |
DSI 525-730 KMB 28 Hood and Face Seal (S/S)
DSI 525-731 KMB 28 Hood and Face Seal (S/M)