Kirby Morgan 1st Stage w/Balanced 2nd Stage Regulator
The new Balanced second stage scuba regulator (P/N DSI 200-120) shares basic components and design features found on the KM 97 helmet’s 455® Balanced regulator.
The uniquely shaped exhaust whisker diverts exhaust bubbles away from the diver’s field of vision.
The Balanced scuba regulator, as well as the other Kirby Morgan® scuba regulators, are recommended for use in water 50°F (10°C) or warmer. For the Balanced second stage with SuperFlow® First stage Assembly, order P/N DSI 200-150.
First Stage w/Balanced Second Stage Regulator - Manual and BlowApart
Part # | Product |
DSI 225-120 | Balanced Scuba Regulator Rebuild Kit |
DSI 325-105 | Superflow First Stage Regulator Rebuild Kit |
DSI 325-321 | 1st Stage Rebuild Kit Standard |